The Dude does not think of the Dude
For this reason he abides;
He does nothing,
Yet leaves nothing undone.
Nihilists want that f**king money,
For this reason they are a bunch of cry-babies;
They always act,
Yet get nossing done.
Nurture love in the true sense of the word,
And you won’t try to scam anyone here;
Nurture love in the residence, and it will tie the room together;
Nurture love in the bowling team, and it will make it to the finals;
Nurture love in your time and place, and you’ll fit right in there;
Nurture love in the World, and that about wraps her all up.
Know a person by their love;
Know a residence by its love;
Know a bowling team by its love;
Know a time and place by its love;
Know the World by its love.
How can I enter a world of no-pain?
By loving the World,
Even when it’s full of goddamn morons.
The first page I randomly opened in my copy of The Dude De Ching